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Scarce 16th century Venetian plan of Ulcinj

Stock No. 13508 Category: Tags: , , , Cartographer: CAMOCIO, Giovanni Francesco.

Dulcigno gia detto Vlcinio citta antiqua posta nel confine della dalmatia uerso leuante sopra il mare Adriatico.
Venice: Ferrando and/or Donato Bertelli, c.1575. 155 x 210mm.


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Plan of Ulcinj, Montenegro, mapped while still a possession of the Venetian Republic, shown by the crosses on the towers. In 1571 it was captured by the Ottomans, who held it until 1878. It was published in Camocio's 'Isole famose, porti fortezze e terre marittime sottoposte alla Ser.ma Sig.ria di Venezia', a description of the places claimed as subject to the Republic of Venice.

A later state, with plate number.

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Dimensions210 × 155 mm



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Dulcigno gia detto Vlcinio citta antiqua posta nel confine della dalmatia uerso leuante sopra il mare Adriatico.


Venice: Ferrando and/or Donato Bertelli, c.1575. 155 x 210mm.


A good example.
