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17th century map of Martinique in fine colour

Stock No. 24747 Category: Tags: , , , Cartographer: VISSCHER, Nicolas Jansz.

Insula Matanino vulgo Martanico...
Amsterdam, 1657. Full original colour. 470 x 570mm.


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A large map of Martinique, during the conquest of the island by the French. North on the compass rose errs by 45? East.
In 1635 the 'Compagnie des ?les de l'Am?rique' sent nearly a hundred settlers from St Kitts to Martinique, where they built Fort St Pierre. On the map the island is divided in two with 'Demeure de Francois' to the north and west, and 'Demeure de Sauvages' (the indigenous Caribs) over the rest of the island. The map does not mention Fort St Louis, a second fort built by the French in 1638. The Caribs were exterminated or exiled by 1660.

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Dimensions570 × 470 mm



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Insula Matanino vulgo Martanico…


Amsterdam, 1657. Full original colour. 470 x 570mm.


A good example.
