Scarce 16th century Venetian plan of the Siege of Nicosia, 1570
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A plan of the Siege of Nicosia by the Turks in 1570. At the time Nicosia was controlled by the Republic of Venice, and, as the Venetians knew the Turks would be coming, they had just built the defensive walls shown here. Finished in 1567, the star-shaped walls had eleven bastions, and the river Pedieos has diverted from the centre of the city to create a new moat. During the siege the Turks concentrated on the walls to the south of the river and there is a little 'scaramucia' (scaramouche or skirmish) between the armies by the city walls. The siege lasted from July 22nd to September 9th, and killed 20,000 inhabitants.
This plan was published in Camocio's 'Isole famose, porti fortezze e terre marittime sottoposte alla Sig.ria di Venezia', a description of the places claimed as subject to the Republic of Venice. A later state, with plate number. Top right is an empty scroll, probably originally intended for an engraved description of the siege.
Additional information
Cartographer | |
Date | 1575 |
Extra Info | Nicossia. |
Publication | Venice: Ferrando and/or Donato Bertelli, c.1575. 165 x 225mm. |
Condition | A good example. |
References | – |