Stock Id :18701

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Magini's edition of Ptolemy's Geography

MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio.

Geografia cioè Descrittione Universale della Terra Partita in due volumni, Nel Primo de' quali si contengono gli Otto Libri della Geographia di Cl. Tolomeo...
Venice: Giovanni Battista & Giorgio Galignani, 1597-8. Quarto, contemporary vellum; 2 parts in 1; title; pp. (ii) + (124) + (44) + [blank] + (28) (index); and title + 424 (pages numbered by leaf) + (57) (index); full-page world map and 63 maps set in the text.

Ptolemy's Geography translated into Italian and corrected by Magini (1555-1617), Professor for Astronomy, Astrology and Mathematics at the University of Bologna. Both the Ptolemaic and modern maps were mostly reduced from Mercator's atlas by Girolamo Porro, predating the official Hondius pocket atlas by nearly a decade, although a few maps (for example the second world, America, Northern Europe and North Pacific) are derived from Ortelius.

Stock ID : 18701

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Stock Id :18701

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Magini's edition of Ptolemy's Geography

MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio.

Geografia cioè Descrittione Universale della Terra Partita in due volumni, Nel Primo de' quali si contengono gli Otto Libri della Geographia di Cl. Tolomeo...
Venice: Giovanni Battista & Giorgio Galignani, 1597-8. Quarto, contemporary vellum; 2 parts in 1; title; pp. (ii) + (124) + (44) + [blank] + (28) (index); and title + 424 (pages numbered by leaf) + (57) (index); full-page world map and 63 maps set in the text.

Ptolemy's Geography translated into Italian and corrected by Magini (1555-1617), Professor for Astronomy, Astrology and Mathematics at the University of Bologna. Both the Ptolemaic and modern maps were mostly reduced from Mercator's atlas by Girolamo Porro, predating the official Hondius pocket atlas by nearly a decade, although a few maps (for example the second world, America, Northern Europe and North Pacific) are derived from Ortelius.

Stock ID : 18701

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